Amsterdam-based CarbonFix backs Arcc Reflections for Arctic ice regeneration

Amsterdam-based CarbonFix, an organisation dedicated to fighting climate change, has announced financial support for Arcc Reflections, an initiative with an unconventional mission to restore Arctic Sea ice.

According to the Dutch company, this partnership represents a significant step in addressing the urgent issue of global warming. Restoring Arctic Sea ice is crucial for regulating Earth’s temperature and preserving habitats.

Arcc Reflections

CarbonFix mentions in a statement that climate change poses a significant threat to the world, with the Arctic region being particularly vulnerable. The melting of Arctic Sea ice not only endangers local ecosystems but also contributes significantly to global temperature rise.

Arcc Reflections is addressing this challenge by pioneering an innovative method to restore Arctic Sea ice. Its unconventional approach involves pumping sea water onto sea ice during winter, speeding up natural ice growth and creating more reflective ice in summer. 

This method, according to CarbonFix, has the potential to restore summer Arctic Sea ice, mitigating the impacts of global warming in the region.

Arcc Reflections was founded by Dutch impact entrepreneurs Fonger Ypma and Tom Meijeraan and is based in Delft, Netherlands. Its aim is to combat the effects of climate change in one of the world’s most critical regions, emphasising the importance of preserving the Arctic ecosystem through its “unique” approaches.

Capital utilisation

CarbonFix says it will use the funds for conducting ecological impact assessments and lifecycle analyses to understand and minimise the project’s environmental impact. 

Additionally, a comprehensive field test in Svalbard will be funded to validate the impact of Arctic ice thickening in real-life conditions. These efforts aim to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of Arcc Reflections’ innovative approach.

Siemon van den Berg, Chairman at CarbonFix says, “CarbonFix is committed to supporting bold, innovative solutions that have the potential to make a significant impact on carbon emissions and global warming.”

“Arcc Reflecons’ mission aligns perfectly with our vision, and we believe that their approach to Arcc Sea ice restoration may hold great promise in the fight against climate change and its impact needs to be better understood,” adds van den Berg.

Brief about CarbonFix

Founded in 2020, CarbonFix serves as a catalyst for driving impactful climate solutions by providing financial support to bold initiatives in their early stages.

The company focuses on practical projects rooted in scientific principles that have not yet received backing from commercial investors or government subsidies. 

CarbonFix offers grants and founder-friendly loans to entrepreneurs, bridging the gap and enabling these innovative projects to progress, ultimately contributing to the fight against climate change.