UK-based firms Mercia Power Response and RheEnergise to build 100MW of hydro energy storage by 2030

Nottingham-based energy firm Mercia Power Response has announced its partnership with London’s RheEnergise, to explore the deployment of RheEnergise’s long-duration hydro-energy storage technology, known as High-Density Hydro (HD Hydro), for the UK grid.

The plan is to identify suitable sites for HD Hydro storage projects, focusing on achieving 100MW of HD Hydro in operation by 2030 using Mercia PR’s existing grid connections. This collaboration aims to enhance renewable energy capacity and grid stability in the UK.

Sophie Orme, Commercial Director of RheEnergise says, “Given the growing pressure to speed up the decarbonisation of the UK’s energy system, our HD Hydro system can be consented in months rather than years, so we are able to make a meaningful and positive impact on the energy transition over the next decade.”

“With our partnership with Mercia PR, we will have a better understanding of the feasibility of deploying 100MW of long-duration storage capacity by 2030.”

What to expect from this partnership?

Mercia Power Response’s existing portfolio includes 40 sites with 263MW capacity and plans for more sites over the next 5-10 years. They consider RheEnergise’s HD Hydro storage technology as a compatible low-carbon addition. 

Mercia PR’s industry partners also bring expertise in energy trading, aiding RheEnergise in optimising grid-connected energy storage projects.

RheEnergise’s HD Hydro storage system is cost-effective, energy efficient, and fast to build. It employs a dense, eco-friendly fluid that provides 2½ times more power compared to traditional hydro-power using water. This technology’s adaptability to hilly terrain rather than mountains opens up substantial opportunities in the UK and worldwide.

Graham White, CEO at Mercia PR says, “It is very exciting to explore how we can engage with RheEnergise’s HD Hydro technology, applying our expertise in finding the right locations, developing sites, getting grid connections and operating within the Capacity Market.”

“We see enormous potential for HD Hydro deployment as a future low-carbon replacement to our existing gas-powered assets.”

Stephen Crosher, CEO of RheEnergise adds, “Mercia PR’s experience in flexible power response and its deep knowledge of the UK energy system will be hugely beneficial to the RheEnergise team.”

“Our HD Hydro technology can provide medium and long-duration energy storage, which is becoming increasingly important as the UK moves towards Net Zero and with a UK energy system that is increasingly reliant on intermittent renewables. We are delighted that Mercia PR has chosen to work with us.”

How the HD Hydro system works

RheEnergise’s HD Hydro storage system uses a dense fluid, R-19, for energy storage. During low energy demand periods, the fluid is pumped uphill between buried tanks through underground pipes. When energy prices rise, the fluid is released downhill, generating electricity via turbines for the grid. 

This system operates effectively on smaller hills, needing less vertical elevation (2½ times) compared to traditional pumped hydro storage. Projects range from 5MW to 100MW and can work with elevations as low as 100m. This opens up numerous viable sites for RheEnergise projects worldwide.

RheEnergise’s analysis reveals vast potential for their projects globally, with approximately 6,500 sites in the UK, 115,000 in Europe, 345,000 in North America, and 500,000 in Africa and the Middle East.

In November 2022, RheEnergise received an £8.25M small business research initiative (SBRI) contract from the UK Government’s Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP). This funding supports the deployment of a groundbreaking demonstrator project near Plymouth, Devon.

Brief about Mercia Power Response 

Mercia Power Response claims to be a key player in ensuring UK energy security during the transition to a Net Zero electricity grid by 2035. They provide flexible power response services to balance renewable energy supply and demand. Through advanced power stations, they guarantee energy supply to communities when renewable sources are insufficient, contributing to a stable energy system.

“We typically build and operate 5-8MW generation plants connected to localised 11kV networks, which enables us to provide energy quickly and efficiently to households and businesses, in turn delivering strong returns to our investors,” says the company.

Since 2016, Mercia Power Response has swiftly grown its portfolio, with over 40 operational power response sites totalling 263MW capacity. The company plans to expand further by increasing gas-fueled power station capacity to around 300MW by 2025. 

The company also intends to complement their portfolio by developing grid-scale battery storage sites, in addition to its existing power response and battery projects.